A Survey and Comparison of Proneness to Addiction, personality dimensions and coping strategies for stress in male and female students of Medical Sciences University of Kerman.


Background and objectives: Medical students, who in the near future will form the main elements of the medical staff at different medical centers, are among the most important populations that can cause any long-term harm, including addiction in them, in addition to themselves. Also threatens the health of a wide range of general population. A Survey and Comparison of Proneness to Addiction, personality dimensions and coping strategies for stress in male and female students of Medical Sciences University of Kerman.

Materials and Methods: This cross- sectional and corrlational study was conducted on 300 students of Shahid Bahonar Univercity of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran, in 2016. were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling . The tools have been used for data collection were Costa & McCrae personality questionnaire (NEO-FFI), Zargar proneness to addiction and Billings and Moos strees-coping styles.

Results: The results showed a significant difference between the two groups. Lambdesy Wilkes was equal to 0.79 (P <0.001, F = 34.68). This indicator indicates that the two groups are at least different in one of the studied variables. The difference between the two groups in the dimensions of neuroticism (P <0.001, df = 0.001, F = 1), openness to experience (P = 0.001, Df = 1.13, F = 6.6), Duty (P = 0.001, Df = 0.001, F = 1.00), an emotional coping strategy (P <0.001, P = 0.001) 1 df =, 70/1 F =) and was not meaningful in terms of readiness for addiction, consensus and extroversion.

Conclusions: According to the findings of the research, there is a significant difference between the two sexes in the dimensions of neuroticism, openness to experience, duty and stress coping strategies, and it seems that any planning that communicates with a variety of personality bridges and coping strategies Stress finds it to be gender-sensitive.

Keywords: proneness to addiction. Stress- coping styles, personality Dimensions.