Effectiveness of Imagination on Obsessive Rumination and Life Expectancy of Depressed Teenagers in Babol City

M.A. Mokabberi1* and K. Mohammadi2

1PhD Student, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran

2Assistant Professor of Consulting and Psychology, Hormozgan University of Iran

* Corresponding Author: Mohammad Ali Mokabberi


The present research aims at studying the effectiveness of imagination on obsessive rumination and life expectancy in depressed teenagers ranging from 14 to 17 ages who they have gone to counseling and psychological centers to be treated in Babol city. The populations under study were 15 people. The methods pre-test and post-test were used. Three standard questionnaires applied are obsessive rumination, Herth’s questionnaire of life expectancy and Kocher’s juvenile’s depression questionnaire. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. Also, statistical t-test was used to measure the research data. The findings of the present study indicated that imagination has no simultaneously effect on obsessive rumination and life expectancy of depressed juveniles in Babol city. The comparison of results from pre-test and post-tests showed that imagination has no effect on obsessive rumination of depressed juveniles in Babol city. However, imagination has an effect on life expectancy of depressed juveniles in Babol city.

Key words: imagination, obsessive rumination, depression