Investigating the Relationship between Cell Phone Use and Cognitive Functions among Children aged 4-7 in Jask City

H Bahreman1* and K. Mohammadi2

1Ph.D. student of general psychology, Bandar Abbas Islamic Azad University.

2faculty member of Hormozgan University and lecturer of Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas Branch

.* Corresponding Author: Hossein Bahreman


The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between cell phone use and cognitive functions such as memory, learning, and attention among children. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The study population were all the children aged 4-7 in Jask, of which 340 were selected using random sampling and Cochran’s formula. The information was collected using the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI, Form A) and Conners Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scale (ADHD, Parent Form). The parents were also asked about how much their child use cell phone in the questionnaires. The statistical analysis included regression analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient. The study results revealed that there was a significant correlation between cell phone use and attention (-0.17) and memory (0.27) (P < 0.01). In contrast, there was no significant correlation between cell phone use and learning at the significance level of 0.08 (P = 0.134). According to the regression analysis results, cell phone use explained 2% of attention and 7% of memory, but could not explain learning. It can be concluded that the greater the cell phone use, the better the memory and the less the attention among the children, while it does not affect their learning.

Keywords: Mobile phone, cognitive functions, memory, learning, attention.